Adventures in Storytelling

The adventures of The Patchwork Players, Patti Christensen and James Nelson-Lucas, as they travel the dimensions of time and space, telling their tales

Monday, March 05, 2007

Family Fun Festival

Sunday February 25, 2007

Oh, do we love telling stories at museums….and one of our favorites is The San Diego Museum of Art. On a quarterly basis, this museum with a fine permanent collection and a wonderful rotation of nationally and internationally known exhibits, opens up at no cost for their Family Festival. This features tours, music, hands on art for kids as well as….tahdah! The Patchwork Players telling stories in the galleries.

There is always a different focus: Maxfield Parish, Andy Warhol, Mexican Art, Indian Art, and our favorite, that makes great use of the collection—the Asian Festival celebrating Chinese New Year.

So what happens at one of these events? Take a look at our photos….people young and old, families and individuals gather and stream into the museum and the area out front to immerse themselves in art. And what about the stories? Well, museums are filled to the brim with stories! Some of the paintings, photos and sculptures are specifically illustrating stories. Some remind us of stories we already know, while others just beg for new stories to be created.

The Asian gallery has some of the most precious statuary of bodhisattvas, Buddhas, teapots, and clothing like amazing silk robes, weapons, and a small replica of a temple. Here’s the blurb from their literature: “Bringing back popular works, while introducing new and rarely exhibited works, Tastes in Asian Art explores the diverse tastes of different social groups—the imperial ruling class, scholars, warriors, and common people—and features a separate section devoted to religious art, as well as a new section dedicated to Persian art.” Telling stories there is such a privilege. We love it. Come on down the next time and share the fun. Watch their website for the next date (or email us and we’ll let you know.)

For James, the museum in Balboa Park (near downtown San Diego) has a special interest. James’ younger sister, professional artist, Kristina Lucas, designed the gorgeous tile that decorates the fountain right in front of the Museum of Art. Here is a photo of James and the fountain (as opposed to James and the Giant Peach which is a different story).

Stay tuned for more adventures in storytelling!!!!


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