What a day at ArtSplash! In Carlsbad, California!
We started the day celebrating the birthday of Pete Amend. Possibly our biggest fan. Lucky for us, Pete had his gathering a mere mile from the ArtSplash!, allowing us to attend his auspicious event. Avid Patchwork Players fans may remember Pete from way back in 2001, when he celebrated his birthday at a Patchwork Players performance at the San Diego Renaissance Faire. Happy Birthday Pete!
After the cake, it was on to ArtSplash! A wonderful event held just above the historic and beautiful flower fields in Carlsbad. The focus of the event was to encourage the arts in homes and schools, by hosting a fabulous sidewalk chalk-art contest. Whats more, they brought lots of live entertainment, including Magicians, musicians; a balloon artist who goes by the name of Flash; storyteller Abel Silvis; and of course, The Patchwork Players Story Theatre. We told some of our Renaissance Faire tales; like the Fractured Frog Prince, and a story or two from our all time favorites like Baby Coyote. We really loved this chance to be in support of the arts.