Adventures in Storytelling

The adventures of The Patchwork Players, Patti Christensen and James Nelson-Lucas, as they travel the dimensions of time and space, telling their tales

Monday, September 26, 2005


What a day at ArtSplash! In Carlsbad, California!
We started the day celebrating the birthday of Pete Amend. Possibly our biggest fan. Lucky for us, Pete had his gathering a mere mile from the ArtSplash!, allowing us to attend his auspicious event. Avid Patchwork Players fans may remember Pete from way back in 2001, when he celebrated his birthday at a Patchwork Players performance at the San Diego Renaissance Faire. Happy Birthday Pete!
After the cake, it was on to ArtSplash! A wonderful event held just above the historic and beautiful flower fields in Carlsbad. The focus of the event was to encourage the arts in homes and schools, by hosting a fabulous sidewalk chalk-art contest. Whats more, they brought lots of live entertainment, including Magicians, musicians; a balloon artist who goes by the name of Flash; storyteller Abel Silvis; and of course, The Patchwork Players Story Theatre. We told some of our Renaissance Faire tales; like the Fractured Frog Prince, and a story or two from our all time favorites like Baby Coyote. We really loved this chance to be in support of the arts.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

A Night of Mystrery

Last night The Patchwork Players were a part of “A Night of Mystery”, an adult storytelling concert in Orange, California, presented by the South Coast Storytellers Guild. This show was an Olio. That is, a series of tellers in one show. On the bill were: Doris Hand, Adrienne McMillian, Dave Chittendon, Diana Spririthawk & Dave Whiting, Mary Ann Newton, Betsy Mosier, Laura Beasley and The Patchwork Players. But last night,we did not perform as 'The Patchwork Players', rather, we told individual tales. Patti told her version of “The Rooster's Claw”, a spooky tale form Colombia. James told a ghostly, bedtime story called “Sally”. Listen to a short version of “Sally” @

All the stories and the tellers were great!

A shout out to the guy who video taped the whole event: All material is copyrighted and reproduction, sales and distribution thereof is prohibited!

The Patchwork Players will be producing an adult story concert on Mar 4, 2006. The Theme: “Love is in the Air.”

On a personal note. We have just moved into our new office. Computers, files and more books than a small town library! The Patchwork Players now have a new base of operations. Kind of like the Bat-Cave, only with a better view. Soon we will be announcing storytelling workshops and retreats to be held at our new location.

We have to go now. We are off to tell at “ArtSplash”, a community arts festival in Carlsbad, California. We'll be back with pictures later.

The Patchwork Players Story Theatre. Bringing Stories to Life! Posted by Picasa

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Julian Bluegrass Festival

September 17, 2005

Today we joined throngs of music lovers inthe mountain town of Julian CA for the 35th Julian Bluegrass Festival. We were the only nonmusical act. Out job was to perform True Tales of California. We shared with children and adults many of our favorite true tales: Charlie Parkhurst, Bum the Dog, Charles M. Hatfield: The Moisture Accelerator; and some sort-of-true tales like; the Man with the Golden Arm and the Woman in Grey.

We had such a wonderful time. Here is a photo of us having a great time weaving the magic web of story. And the music was great. We really look forward to going again next year.