Seniors love Stories,too!
But one of our favorite venues is places where Seniors gather…Sr. Centers, retirement homes, nursing homes. Last week The Patchwork Players had the chance to tell stories to a group at the Senior Center in Escondido, CA. We were brought in by one of our favorite programs, The Adult Literacy Department from the Public Library in town. These folks are charged with providing opportunities for adults to learn to read as well as enrich their reading skills. The core of our audience was the weekly Sr. book discussion group, pictured with us here.
The audience was enthusiastic and really enjoyed the tales of Trouble, Trials and Tribulations that we told for them, mostly traditional folktales form around the world. As one woman told us, “Seniors love stories, too!” Don’t we know it.
We also appreciate that storytelling is a field where no one tells you you’re getting too old, and better think about retiring. Heck, the more grey hair you have, the better as a storyteller. We’re both working on getting as much grey hair as possible. And we are looking forward to telling stories for many, many years to come.
Patti is especially inspired by her father-in-law who turned 95 this week and is still going strong sharing stories in sermons, and also on the bus form the retirement center going to the grocery store. As soon as he gets on, the bus riders clamor “Have you got any stories for us?” And, he always does! May you always have a story to tell, and one to hear.