Adventures in Storytelling

The adventures of The Patchwork Players, Patti Christensen and James Nelson-Lucas, as they travel the dimensions of time and space, telling their tales

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Into the New Year!

Happy New Year....who would have thought we would so soon be in 2000? It seems as though we just had 1984 and "The Millennium".

For the sixth year, we ended the old year at First Night Escondido. A family friend, alcohol-free event in North San Diego County. For a reasonable entrance fee there is truly fun for little kids, teens and adults and everything form hat making, to Tex-Mex, classical, country music...and don't forget storytelling.

We were so happy to see so many old friends and make some new ones. We enjoyed having our own dressing room (a perk that storytellers don't often get) and also had a fun experience. We were scheduled to tell stories until 9:10. At 9:00, a mother stood up and said, "You guys were really great storytellers. We so enjoyed your show, but we have to leave to go see the fireworks!" And then a few of the audience got up and left. Our sound tech told us, though, that when one dad leaned over to ask his kids if they wanted to go see the fireworks, they replied, "No, we want to hear the last story!" So, it's official, The Patchwork Players are better than fireworks!

We hope this year is one filled with lots of fireworks, fun, and great stories for all!

Patti and James