Adventures in Storytelling

The adventures of The Patchwork Players, Patti Christensen and James Nelson-Lucas, as they travel the dimensions of time and space, telling their tales

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Yo ho ho! Pirate Tales from The Seven Seas

James and Patti told Pirate Tales at the Rancho Santa Fe Library this week. Everyone had a fabulous time, including the boys who LOVED checking out James' "real" sword.

They told about Pirate Girl, The Pirate Ghost with One Back Eye, as well as The Pirate With the Golden Arm


Southern CA Story Swap

Storytellers from throughout the Los Angeles, San Diego, and Orange county gather every year for a family reunion of storytellers. Each storytelling group sent a representative to tell stories. Patti and James were the reps for the South Coast Storytellers Guild. This year it was held on April 17th at the Dudley House in Ventura, CA.

Everyone had a terrific time! Next year it will be hosted by The Griot Workshop in Los Angeles.
